4 Immunity-boosting tips for Autumn


Autumn is now well and truly here - the wind is blowing, the rain is falling and the leaves on the trees are gradually turning yellow, orange and red.  The Autumn equinox has now passed, so the nights are becoming longer than the days and the temperature is getting distinctly cooler.

Is it so important to think about self-care at this time of year to help your body fight infection as we move towards the colder months.

Here are 4 simple tips to help keep you fighting fit!

1. Get more sleep

Our natural rhythm is to sleep longer during the colder, darker months, as this both conserves energy as well as enables the body essential time for repair and restoration.  Go to bed a little earlier, ensuring you switch off screens (mobile, tablet, tv etc) at least 30 mins before bed as the blue light emitted by the screens and keeping your brain engaged in activity both inhibit natural sleep.

2. Dry skin brush

Dry skin brushing not only removes dead skin cells to allow the skin to breath more easily and appear more radiant, it also helps to stimulate the lymphatic system which helps remove toxins from the body, supporting the immune system.  Make sure you use a brush with natural bristles and use sweeping strokes towards the heart.  Dry skin brushing can be stimulating so it is best performed in the morning before a shower.

3. Love your gut

Eighty-percent of your immune system is in your gut, the home of billions of friendly bacteria which fight infection on your behalf.  Support your gut health by including lots of flora-enhancing foods such as live yoghurt, miso, and unpasteurised sauerkraut etc in your diet. 

4. Take a Vitamin D supplement

Vitamin D is very important for immune health, and also plays a key role in many other essential bodily functions.  Vitamin D naturally forms in our skin in response to exposure to sunlight, however most of us do not get sufficient exposure with our bleak summers, and even bleaker winters. The recommended daily supplement is 400 I.U, and it is naturally found in some animal products, such as eggs and oily fish.